Antwerp Skate Depot – Saturday night session

Knock Out Blocks, Vans and Hoax crew got together for a Saturday evening shred at the Antwerp Skate Depot in Belgium last Saturday. After the vert and miniramp session ( we went up for a session in the recently relocated (from Düsseldorf, Germany to the Antwerp Skate Depot in Belgium) OMSA POOL!

Antwerp Skate Depot – Saturday night session (part 2 – OMSA Pool)

Antwerp Skate Depot – Saturday night session (part 1 – ramps)

video / edits: Jonathan Hay

Photos from Wim Dewaele / First Try Magazine

Koekie. Boneless to tail.
Koekie. Boneless to lien to tail over the deathbox.
Nick Bax. Feeble grind over the death box.
Nick Bax. Feeble grind over the death box.
Donald "Poolboy" Huycke. Frontside grind grab over the death box.
Donald “Poolboy” Huycke. Frontside grind grab over the death box.
Koekie. Layback 5-0 grind to pivot grab yank in.
Koekie. Layback 5-0 grind to pivot grab yank in.
Koekie. FS air over the hip into the shallow end.
Koekie. FS air over the hip into the shallow end.
Nick Bax. Backsmith over the hip into the shallow end.
Nick Bax. Backsmith over the hip into the shallow end.
Donald Huycke reaching for the seatbelt front smith over the box.
Donald Huycke reaching for the seatbelt front smith over the box.
Another angle of Donald Huycke's seatbelt front smith over the death box.
Another angle of Donald Huycke’s seatbelt front smith over the death box.
Koekie and Jeff Podolski. Pool side chatter.
Koekie and Jeff Podolski. Pool side chatter.
J. hay. Frontside slash over the deathbox.
J. hay. Frontside slash over the deathbox.
Mike van der Ouderaa contemplating...
Mike van der Ouderaa contemplating…
Ratman sweeper in the deep end.
Ratman sweeper in the deep end.
Bram Bosch. Frontside grind nosegrab.
Bram Bosch. Frontside grind nosegrab.

Bonus photos from J. Hay

Nick Bax. Crail slide. Photo: Hay
Nick Bax. Crail slide. Photo: Hay
Bram Bosch. Frontside grind nosegrab. Photo: Hay
Bram Bosch. Frontside grind nosegrab. Photo: Hay