Air and Style – Innsbruck, Austria

The riders at the contest were all at a very high level, Asti from Muckefuck did a good job in bringing together a lot of good riders from Europe and the USA.

During the first day there were cash for trick sessions along three sections of the street park. Also, three skaters qualified for the finals in the bowl the following day.

The finals of the bowl were hectic, with a very high level of skateboarding going on – above all, Brad McClain. I appreciated a lot Martino (Cattaneo) and Alex (Hallford) who fought till the end with a lot of tricks and hunger. I loved the style of Kevin (Kowalski) and Jürgen (Horrwarth). I missed being able to see Cody Lockwood in action because he got injured a few days earlier in Milan and joined Asti and Ben Daeleman in the jury.

1. Brad McClain (USA)
2. Alex Hallford (UK)
2. Martino Cattaneo (CHE)
4. Robin Bolian (FRA)
5. Kevin Kowalski (USA)
6. Vincent Matheron (FRA)
7. Simon Karlsson (SWE)
8. Jürgen Horrwarth (GER)

Best tricks:
Jürgen Horrwarth (GER) – noseblunt on the extention
Daan van der Linden (NED) – nosegrind on the extention
Simon Karlsson (SWE) – nollie varial heelflip in the deep section

AIR & STYLE / IBK 2015 (Collab video with BLK/MARK & Share Magazine)

camera: Alberto “Sket” Scattolin / Alessandro Redaelli • edit: Alberto Scattolin
music: Teenage Knockups

Photos: Nicola Debernardi

Jacopo Carozzi - Lien air
Jacopo Carozzi – Lien air
Daan van der Linden. Slob plant
Daan van der Linden. Slob plant
Nick Bax. FSA
Nick Bax. FSA
Jürgen Horrwath. Frontside tailslide
Jürgen Horrwarth. Frontside tailslide
Aref Bobby Koushesh. Nose bone
Aref Bobby Koushesh. Nose bone
Daan van der Linden - switch kicflip
Daan van der Linden – switch kicflip
Jacopo Carozzi. Backward nosegrind back to normal or 180 switch five-0
Jacopo Carozzi. Backward nosegrind back to normal or 180 switch five-0
Daan van der Linden. Switch smith grind
Daan van der Linden. Switch smith grind
Chet Childress. Did he make it? Check the video.
Chet Childress. 8 stair beer grab. Did he make it? Check the video.
Jürgen Horrwarth. Tailgrab
Jürgen Horrwarth. Tailgrab
Fabio Martin Crailslide
Fabio Martin. Crailslide
Kevin Kowalski. Front blunt
Kevin Kowalski. Front blunt
Martino Cattaneo. Invert to fakie
Martino Cattaneo. Layback air to fakie
Tyler Edtmayer
Tyler Edtmayer. FSA
Backside air
Robin Bolian. Backside air
Kevin Kowalski. Frontside invert.
Kevin Kowalski. Frontside invert.
Jürgen Horrwarth. Frontside air
Jürgen Horrwarth. Frontside air
Roman Erhart. Stand up frontside grind
Roman Erhart. Stand up frontside grind
Guillaume Mocquin. Frontside disaster
Guillaume Mocquin. Frontside disaster
Jürgen Horrwarth. Smith to fakie
Jürgen Horrwarth. Frontside disaster on the extension
Julien Benoliel. Backside ollie
Julien Benoliel. Backside ollie
Kevin Kowalski. Syran wrap
Kevin Kowalski. Syran wrap
Alex Hallford. 5-0 grind
Alex Hallford. 5-0 grind
Alex Hallford. Crail air
Alex Hallford. Crail air to fakie
Robin Bollian. Frontsmith
Kevin Kowalski. Lien air over the hip
Kevin Kowalski. Lien air over the hip
Lien to tail
Robin Bolian. Lien to tail
Kevin Kowalski. Judo air
Kevin Kowalski. Judo air
Daan van der Linden. Nosegrind tailgrab
Daan van der Linden. Nosegrind tailgrab

AIR & STYLE / IBK 2015 (2nd video by Nicklas Höglund)