Brazilian Backyard Pool in Oz

“I’d been keeping in touch with my bro Dom from Brazil for a while – he’d been in New Zealand and he told me he would be back in Melbourne for a short while to catch up.

The day came where he rang me saying his girlfriend was staying with some Brazilians in a house with a pool. I went over immediately and started helping him empty it. It took us six hours to empty and clean, then it was time for some shredding.

The word was out within a day. The guy helping us had gone to the pub and told everyone, so he wasn’t welcome and neither were the skaters he’d invited…”

“Sunday came and a sesh was organised with the Creepers, some Kiwis, Aref Bobby from Italy and some local rippers.”




“Session went off with highlights being Dom dropping in the tight tranny, Sean Richie from New Zealand grinding round the corner after slamming so hard and was ballsy enough to get back on his deck, and Dom rocking the pool. It was amazing that anyone was even doing any tricks since it was only a two and a half foot transitions.

A great time was had but on Monday it was closed again to skaters and Dom was off traveling the world again.”

Words + photos: Brent Shipley

Dom doing a Fakie testing the transition.
Dom doing a Fakie testing the transition.
Aref Bobby, going into a one footed tailslide.
Aref Bobby – No comply crail.
Dom backside grind.
Dom backside grind.
Dom grinding the bottom of the death box.
Dom grinding the bottom of the death box.
Dom - rock n roll.
Dom – rock n roll.
Shannon - layback rock.
Shannon – layback rock.
Sammy Hewson getting the light.
Sammy Hewson over the light.
Dom - backside carve.
Dom – backside carve.
Left to right. Aref Bobby, Nick Maughan, Shannon Boyd, Me, Joel Ridgeway, Domingos Guimarães, Sean Richie, Josh Feggans, Sam Bishop.
Left to right. Aref Bobby, Nick Maughan, Shannon Boyd, Me, Joel Ridgeway, Domingos Guimarães, Sean Richie, Josh Feggans, Sam Bishop.

Filmed by Nick Maughan and Domingos Santoro
Edited by Domingos Santoro