Cornfest 2014 – North Carolina

October is here. The hot days of summer are just a memory now. Cooler days and falling leaves are not the only thing October brings. It brings CORNFEST!! If you’re from the East Coast you know of Cornfest. If you’re not from the EC or don’t know, Cornfest is a session/party/BBQ held down in Wanchese, North Carolina at “The Chief” to honor the owner/builder/skater Marc Corbett’s birthday. Although this year was cut short by rain the event did not disappoint. Already looking forward to next year.

Words and Photos: Mark Nichols

Ronnie O'neal. Feeble.
Ronnie O’neal. Feeble.
Brandon Boroody blasting the hip.
Brandon Boroody blasting the hip.
Collin Graham. Madonna.
Collin Graham. Madonna.
Collin Graham.
Collin Graham.
Frankie Schaffroth
Frankie Schaffroth
Jake Hilbish. Lien to tail.
Jake Hilbish. Lien to tail.
Mark Gee
Mark Gee
Pat Clark
Pat Clark
Ronan Livingston. Method air.
Ronan Livingston. Method air.
Ronnie O'neal. Crail slide.
Ronnie O’neal. Crail slide.