Builders’ Jam: PuraPura – La Paz, Bolivia

“After the first day you could already see big progress. After two and a half weeks, with hard work, partying as gringos do with all the locals, eating coca leaves, drinking coca tea, and of course a lot of downhill sessions, we were almost finished building the skatepark, with one of the best views in the world!

behind the hole of death. Photo: Al Partanen
behind the hole of death. Photo: Al Partanen

The first day we skated the park, we started out with a big session on the miniramp, (and I have to say the day before we poured 80 cubik meters, most of it in a wheel barrow), so we all were pretty tired. After the mini ramp session we started skating the whole park. It was one of the best and most well deserved sessions I’ve ever had and I think I am not alone about that. The day was amazing! To see the smiles and happiness everybody had when we skated was all worth the effort!!
 The day ended up perfectly, partying at Hard Rock cafe…. crazy night!!!
An amazing trip, I can’t say any more!!

Thank you Bolivia, La Paz, Levis skateboard, PFK, Alis, 2ER crew, and to all the people that helped out during the project!!!” – Mathias Hall Laursen

overview at the beginning of building
overview at the beginning of building
working class
working class
the giant watching the liliputens work. Photo: association de skate
the giant watching the liliputens work. Photo: association de skate
some guides and things and people
some guides and things and people
a corner is almost born
a corner is almost born
shaping the concrete
shaping the concrete
one of the campfires in the unfinished park
one of the campfires in the unfinished park
lennsen, max, juppi and a dude i don't know, working on the flat
lennsen, max, juppi and a dude i don’t know, working on the flat
the hard working minidigger
the hard working minidigger
Bolivian Mama's, exited to skate the park
Bolivian Mama’s, exited to skate the park
fs grind over hole of death. Photo: association de skate
lensen, fs grind over hole of death as red beard looks on. Photo: association de skate
Melongrab, Mathias Hall Laursen. Photo: Erby
Melongrab, Mathias Hall Laursen. Photo: Erby
mimiramp session. Photo: association de skate
mimiramp session. Photo: association de skate
 someone skating the building. Photo: association de skate
someone skating the building. Photo: association de skate
Photo: association de skate
Photo: association de skate
boilvia gap. photo: association de skate
boilvia gap. photo: association de skate
lovely bolivia. Photo: Leo skater
lovely bolivia. Photo: Leo skater
almost complete. Photo: association de skate
almost complete. Photo: association de skate
almost complete 2.0 Photo: association de skate
almost complete 2.0 Photo: association de skate