J. Mag testing out the new Viking Blocks at Stappel – Malmö, Sweden

J. Mag (John Magnusson) putting the newly set VIKING BLOCKS pool coping to the test in anticipation of this summer’s Ultra Bowl at Stappelbadsparken in Malmö, Sweden.

Filmed/Edited by Phil Evans

J Mag putting the finishing touches to the fresh crop of pool coping at Stappel.  Photo: Phil Evans
J Mag putting the finishing touches to the fresh crop of pool coping at Stappel. Photo: Phil Evans
New polished riding surface and Vikingblocks. Malmö got a brand new vert bowl ready to rip
New polished riding surface and Vikingblocks. Malmö got a brand new vert bowl ready to rip!
Pär Mag and Will Taylor finishing off a hard days work replacing the old coping with the better VIKING BLOCKS pool coping. Skål!
Pär Mag and Will Taylor finishing off a hard days work replacing the old coping with the better VIKING BLOCKS pool coping. Skål!
J. Mag blasting off the brand new pool coping in Stappel that was just put in for this summer's Ultrabowl.
J. Mag blasting off the brand new pool coping in Stappel that was just put in for this summer’s Ultrabowl.