Solid win for skater Danny Leon from Móstoles at the recent 2014 R&R SK8 CONTEST celebrated on March 29th in El Puerto de Santa María, Cádiz.

After a full day of classifying rounds, Captain Jairo announced the six best skaters of the day to battle out the grand final that took place at 7pm this past Saturday.
The six finalists jousted their final rounds for 15 minutes in an exhilarating frenzy of precision and control of pure Skateboarding mayhem. It is high level events like these that make you realize that this sport is once again experiencing an impressive boom.
Sixth prize went to the Bones team rider Miki Huercano from Murcia. Fifth prize went to Jose Panes Pitu, from Chiclana, Cadiz, fourth was for Carlos Neira from Sevilla, third prize was taken to Toledo by Jerson Ajenjo, second prize went out to Pablo Carranza from Santander and first prize with a value of €1000 went to Madrid’s Danny Leon.
The judges had a hard time deciding who would make the cut after the quarter finals due to other high levels of skating in the event by the likes of Jaime Fontecilla, Carlitos Mole, el niño Punki, Alberto Velázquez, Toni Guerrero and Alfonso Merello.
The event was organized by the Old School Skateboarding Club at their indoor skate park in El Puerto de Santa María, Cádiz and was also sponsored by top skate brands from Spain and beyond.
Photos by J.A. Castillejo “BHAKI”
Translation by Alvaro Brady

For video coverage of the Rock & Roll skate contest click here.