Mangawhai Bowl – New Zealand

“Mangawhai! Fucking huge perfect bowls in a sleepy little east coast surf town on the North Island of New Zealand. Built by Jason Parks at Premium Skatepark Designs New Zealand! Easily one of the best vert pools in the world!” – Rohan Anderson

Easily one of the best vert pools in the world!
Easily one of the best vert pools in the world!
Mangawhai! Fucking huge perfect bowls in a sleepy little east coast surftown.
Mangawhai! Fucking huge perfect bowls in a sleepy little east coast surftown.
Rohan Anderson. Getting a padless grind in the deepend in 40 degree temps (100+ f).
Rohan Anderson. Getting a padless grind in the deepend in 40 degree temps (100+ f).

Mangawhai Bowl Jam 2014 from