SK8 RODENT FOR LIFE – Confusion x Lovenskate collab t-shirt + zip hoody by Zombie Stu

To mark the release of issue 8 of  CONFUSION magazine, we decided to partner up with our good buddies over at LOVENSKATE in England and release this epic two-sided “Skate Rodent for Life” tshirt with  artwork by issue number eight’s featured artist, Zombie Stu... …this shirt is for all you 0%’ers!


The 0%’er

“Going fast and falling down, at all costs, when everyone around you is striving to slow down and stay upright.

Getting grazed and dirty in the pursuit of happiness. Proudly sporting the “I’D RATHER BE SKATING” tie in the board meeting.

Going on that skate trip worth losing your job for. Cutting stickers in the factory for a square meal.

Promoting the “HIGH SPEED MONGO” push.

A tent with holes is better than no tent at all, 7 bearings is better than 6!

Flat spots, ground to the axel, threaded nuts, missing bolts, stuck snapped kingpins.

From the first time you saw Marty McFly ’til the day you die.

Being ignored by the trend setters and ignoring the trends.”

0%’ers, these are your colors, this is for you!
You’ve earned your rockers,
now display them with pride.

Sk8 Rat for Life!!!

the Skate Rodent tee from the Confusion shop – €18

confusion-skaterodent-zip-front confusion-skaterodent-zip-hoody

Buy from the Skate Rodent Zip Hoody from Confusion shop – €45

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