KAMPSA II DIY – End of Summer party 2013

October 5th, time to say bye to the summer, winter is very rainy in the Basque Country and sunny days are so valued for us.

We took the opportunity to release the new WC because we were here for seven years without a toilet and finally we built it.

The event started at midday and the oven was on fire all day offering us homemade pizzas for €2 and beers for €1 in the improvised bar.

In the afternoon the fucking rain stopped the skate session but we dried the park and continued skating until it rained again.

Video + Edit by Julen Mercader

Time for the music and to go inside the house, indoor party with Hip Hop concerts of Gallinero All Stars and Amalgama for those who were still there, and drunkenness for some other people. Very fun times and a grand success!!

Thanks too much to Confusion Magazine, Hoax, Jart Skateboards, Gallinero All Stars, Amalgama, Dj Azzido Domingo, Rana, Dani, Makarena, Murua, Riki, Nagore, and Gorka, for help with everything and to all the people who came to the party to enjoy the end of summer party! 

Words: Hector “Chetos” Heredia
Photos: Joseba Aldalur Tetuan

Diego Doural. Stalefish. Photo: Joseba Aldalur Tetuan.
Diego Doural. Stalefish. Photo: Joseba Aldalur Tetuan.
Ian Campbell. Front blunt. Photo: Joseba Aldalur Tetuan.
Ian Campbell. Front blunt. Photo: Joseba Aldalur Tetuan.
Diego Doural. Crail on the extension.  Photo: Joseba Aldalur Tetuan.
Diego Doural. Crail on the extension. Photo: Joseba Aldalur Tetuan.
Ian Campbell. Stalefish. Photo: Joseba Aldalur Tetuan.
Ian Campbell. Stalefish. Photo: Joseba Aldalur Tetuan.
Chetos. Rock to fakie with Kevin Campbell waiting to drop in the bowl. Photo: Joseba Aldalur Tetuan.
Chetos with a Fakie rock with Kevin Campbell waiting to drop in the bowl. Photo: Joseba Aldalur Tetuan.
Skull skate.
Skull skate.