Herzblut at the Beauty DIY – Zürich, Switzerland

The Beauty is our winter spot. Rough, cold and dusty. Sketchy trannies and more than often some gravel in the corners. It’s located in a wonderful squat called “Autnomous Beauty Salon” in Zurich. We built it after we finished the Beast as a nice winter option, but it came out bitchin’. Long and hard skate sessions are always on, and we’re really proud of the many visitors we’ve already had in these past two years. But the Beauty and the whole squat will be demolished at the end of the year, which sucks, because there are so many good punk & metal shows, an open kitchen, a bike workshop, screen-printing workshop and a gratis-shop.

The Herzblut Skateboards guys come down from the mountains once in a while to skate with us, and it’s always a sick session going on. They really put so much of their heart into skateboarding – it’s a pleasure to have them around.

Gilo. Front smith around the corner. Photo: Nicolas Büchi
Gilo. Front smith around the corner. Photo: Nicolas Büchi
Wenzel. Layback wallride.  Photo: Nicolas Büchi.
Wenzel. Layback wallride. Photo: Nicolas Büchi.
Paul Buener. Corner Boneless.  Photo: Nicolas Büchi.
Paul Buener. Corner Boneless. Photo: Nicolas Büchi.
Nicolas Büchi taking a break from shooting photos of the Herzblut session to throw down some grinds of his own.  Photo: Christph Spiess
Nicolas taking a break from shooting photos of the Herzblut session to get some grinds of his own. Photo: Christoph Spiess

Check out Herzblut Skateboards on facebook and more info about the Beauty on www.praisethebeast.com!

Oh yeah! Come and skate with us at The Beauty! Get drunk on Glühwein and hurt yourself in the moshpit microramp!
Artwork by Marc Bachmann
Artwork by Marc Bachmann

Edit by Serge Bertschy. Music by The Liberty Valentines.

All photos by Nicolas Büchi – except the one he’s in – by Christoph Spiess.