Lohse Party 2013 – Cologne, Germany

Lohse Ramp Party 2013 – Köln, Germany – June 29th, 2013. There was a contest. The Schöne Hubätz played afterwards. Good times… I don’t remember who won. More photos here.

Photos by J. Hay
Video by Jonathan Hay and Jonatan Amotz
Edited by J. Hay & Sonja Gabler

Marcel Weber. Alley oop over the hip.
Marcel Weber. Alley oop over the hip.
Johannes Gabler. Back smith around the corner bowl section.  Photo: J. Hay
Johannes Gabler. Back smith around the corner bowl section.
Laurent Venohr. Melon grab over the hip.  Photo: J. Hay
Laurent Venohr. Melon grab over the hip.
Jens Wagner. Frontside lipslide.
Jens Wagner. Frontside lipslide.
Jonatan Amotz. Blunt to fakie.
Jonatan Amotz. Blunt to fakie.
Laurent Venohr. Big air of the extension.
Laurent Venohr. Big air of the extension.
Lenore Sparks.  Frontside tailslide. Photo: J. Hay
Lenore Sparks. Frontside tailslide.
Marcel Weber. Blasting a backside air while the judges were tripping out.
Marcel Weber. Blasting a backside air while the judges were tripping out.

More photos here.