“So here’s the scoop. I planned a quick roadtrip to central California with my mate Scott Standley. He got a hold of some of his homies to see who was in. Kieran Reilly was down to get out of So Cal. I borrowed my sisters SUV plus some camping gear, grabbed a couple kiwi dudes along the way and headed north. First stop was San Jose.

Our time in the Jo went roughly like this: tried to skate Lake Cunningham but no one wanted to wear pads – two of the kiwis rushed it and dropped in the full pipe anyway. Kieran skated the Roosevelt bowl, barged some locals sessioning a downtown stair set, cops showed up. Kieran ollied some fucked up concrete thing under the bridge. Burritos. Caught up with Jai Tanju and a couple brews at the ole faithful Cinebar. The boys caught a ride with the stair locals and were bumping some type of dance music in their Escalade. Met ’em at the Blank Club for long island ice teas – epic dancing ensued. Burritos. Some dudes and chicks came back to our hotel. Scotty caught one of the girls trying to steal my money from the top of the dresser while I slept. He kindly asked her to “fuck off”. Next morning gave the hotel manager $100 to quit phoning the room and asking when we were going to check out.. He gave me back $80. Late check out at 3 pm. Off to Santa Cruz.

We shred off our hangovers at at the Santa Cruz park and met up with Zarosh at Bro Prints. He hand screened the final touches on his deck for me then we hit the road to the Buena Vista pool.

What a beautiful beast!. Zarosh bomb dropped some lines, Kieran back tailed her, I kooked it, Scotty filmed it. Rushed to Grandpas for a quick sundowner. Straight out the car, one of the locals said that so and so had dropped from the roof onto the barely two board wide platform. Zarosh said “Really“? then did it second go, then rolled the shit outta his ankle in the bowl. Hi there Zarosh nice to meet you! Onward to Monterey where he holed us up for the night. A much needed Tecate was on the cards and some rest for our next days drive to Cachagualand.

There’s not too much to say about Cachagua other than – “are you fucking serious!!!” Unbelievable craftsmanship literally teetering on the mountains precipice. It truly is amazing the shit human beings are capable of. We had a quick roll but the heat was just too intense. Our host hobbled us down the road to a swimming hole at the bottom of some type of giant dam/spill way. Rope swinging and cold water action. Refreshed. As the sun and temperature dipped it was on. Zarosh now with his foot full time in a bucket of ice, sent us in the right direction and turned up the speakers (that were inside two of the death boxes) as we shredded around; finding new bits and pieces at every grind. We cracked Tecates as the christmas lights came on and broposed for the camera as the day’s light ended. Almost the end to an epic day.

More and more Tecates flowed and a BBQ was lit. Food, laughter, bros, beer and fire – don’t get much better. Zarosh called it a night as we sat around the fire soaking up the stars, beers and overall vibe of the scene. Not sure who suggested it but we decided to head back up the hill and plug in the x-mas lights for a boozy night barge. Kieran walked up in sandals so sat it out while me and Scotty flung ourselves into the copings and crannies with reckless abandon. We called it quits and finished the last of the beers we had toted up with us. I decided for one last run, came off my board somehow and wrenched my knee screwy. Now an epic end to an epic day.

Next morning we headed out south but not without a quick pit stop at Zarosh’s moms house for a delicious continental breakfast: coffee, pancakes, fruits, fresh juice, so good. Thanks again dude for putting out the red carpet!
The next day and a half was spent just getting the boys down to Encinitas. Driving down the super scenic Highway 1,checking out elephant seals, the Madonna inn, long island ice teas, burritos, getting stalked by some old sweaty apparently ex-mafia dude wanting to party with us in San Luis Obispo… All in all, shit was tight! – Tony Chavez

Words by Tony Chavez
Photos by Tony Chavez (except photos of Tony by Scott Standley)
For more on Cachaguland, check out: