PFK Skate Support Center – Japan

“The PFK SKATE SUPPORT CENTER is in a town called Itoshima, Fukuoka Kyushu which is on the western island of Japan. The skatepark was built by a group of skateboarders and punks that are friends. We are taking the form of a recycling based non-profit organization. PFK SKATE SUPPORT CENTER keeps an independency that does not belong to any other Japanese scene and which returns profits to skateboarders directly by building a skatepark.” – Honda / PFK Skate Support Center








Maro. Frontside sumo grind.  Photo: PFK / Honda
Maro. Frontside sumo grind. Photo: PFK / Honda
Hiroki Kobayashi. Backside boardslide.  Photo: Makoto Ishikawa.
Hiroki Kobayashi. Backside boardslide. Photo: Makoto Ishikawa.
Yojiro. Frontside rapover grind.  Photo: Honda
Yojiro. Frontside rapover grind. Photo: Honda
Nei Hoirie. Tailblock.  Photo: Nirei
Nei Hoirie. Tailblock. Photo: Nirei
Jahi. Hit the can 5-0 Grind.  Photo: Honda
Jahi. Hit the can 5-0 Grind. Photo: Honda
Mr. PFK / Honda. Frontside rock.  Photo:Shinya KD Kodaira
Mr. PFK / Honda. Frontside rock. Photo:Shinya KD Kodaira

PFK session from Zenterprise Magazine:

DEEP END play at PFK Skate Support Center:

Full PFK Skate Support Center feature coming in issue #8 of Confusion Magazine. Subscribe now, never miss an issue!