DIY taco inside skateshop – Münich, Germany

The düdes from Tirol, Austria who built the Wörgl skate park cruised up to Münich, Germany to throw down some ‘crete inside a skateshop for the shop’s opening/session. Sk8 & Create.

Photos by Hannes Sautner

DIY Taco construction
DIY Taco construction

Asti. Melon to fakie.
Roman “Asti” Astleitner. Melon to fakie.
Alban FS feeble
Alban Millaku. FS feeble
Santino. BS disaster.
Santino. BS disaster.
Jonas Rosenbauer. Kickflip.
Jonas Rosenbauer. Kickflip.
Asti. Smith grind.
Asti. Smith grind.