“Everybody needs a place to call their own, and it sure helps if that place has pool coping. Getting a private indoor setup together is a giant pain in the ass, but the reward of skating a place that’s exactly what you want to skate is unbeatable. All I can say is, if you’re thinking about it, just go for it; its a lot to do but you’ll figure it out. There’s plenty of spacious warehouses in shitty neighborhoods that landlords would just love to rent to tenants as appreciative as a group of skaters. And there’s more resources out there than ever before to help you figure out the build. We’re already skating our second warehouse, so get out there and get that shit done! And invite us over to skate!” – Chris Picco

Big ups to Scott Kmiec for kingpinning the operation and handling countless headaches daily, to Carlos Baiza for bringing tons of knowledge and muscle to get the operation into high gear, and to the many skaters who pushed some screws, brought some wood, and continue to get rent in on time.
Photography by Bryan Karl Lathrop and Paco