Sergej Vutuc “Coincidence” photo exhibition

Sergej Vutuc is tripping across the USA putting up photo exhibitions and performing with Helmut Vutuc Lampshade. His traveling road show which started in New York is named COINCIDENCE and the next date is Saturday, April 13th at CHIIPSSssss skate shop in Detroit. He’s been shooting on the streets the last two weeks and on alternate days preparing for his shows and dwelling for hours in the darkroom huffing fixer until his brain is exposing his photographic visions onto paper.  If you are in Detroit tomorrow, or Chicago on April 26th, make sure to check out his show. Otherwise, check back here for more dates and photos from the road…

Update May, 2nd. Sergej has a show at UNHEARD ramp where they have their invitational contest on May 4th.



Sergej’s photo updates from the Road & Rail:









Past shows on Sergej Vutuc’s USA 2013 spring tour:

April 13th at CHIIPSSssss in Detroit

coincidence-sergej vutuc
April 26th, at Preus Studio in Chicago


Alex Duke. April, 2013. Chicago.  Photo: Sergej Vutuc.
Alex Duke. April, 2013. BQE. Brooklyn, NYC. Photo: Sergej Vutuc.
Never Stop Pushing. Photo: Sergej Vutuc.
Never Stop Pushing. Shane Rogers. Photo: Sergej Vutuc.
Concrete Dreams.  Photo: Sergej Vutuc.
Concrete Dreams. Photo: Sergej Vutuc.
"Concrete Dreams".  Sergej and friends built a DIY spot in the city, but they didn't realize they were building on government property. No sooner had the finished it, than the cops came and destroyed it.  Photo: Sergej Vutuc
“Concrete Dreams”. Sergej and friends built a DIY spot in the city, but they didn’t realize they were building on government property. No sooner had the finished it, than the cops came and destroyed it. Photo: Sergej Vutuc
"It start with dream and end with life not by..."  Photo: Sergej Vutuc
“It start with dream and end with life not by…” Shane Rogers. Feeble. Photo: Sergej Vutuc
East side of Detroit.  Photo: Sergej Vutuc.
East side of Detroit. Photo: Sergej Vutuc.
Wall projector enlarger.  Photo: Sergej Vutuc
Wall projector enlarger. Photo: Sergej Vutuc
Sergej. Having a rest after a long day in a dark room.
Sergej having a rest after a long day of chemikill in the darkroom.

More photos updated regularly from Sergej Vutuc’s Coincidence tour here: