Powell Peralta Europe Tour (Part 2)

“Every trip has it’s ups and downs. Whether it be not finding places to stay, long drives, weather, etc… After Sweden and Denmark we were sure that we were on an “up”. We get picked up in Malmö after having to get ahold of Brad through his girlfriend’s instagram. The drive was easy with a spacious van and we even ended up taking a ferry somewhere in there as well. My goal was to only speak German for as long we were in Germany. So I was less than talkative for the first four or so hours driving. I ended up breaking language when we ran into some of our friends from the States at a completely random rest stop off the German highway. A few English words with the homies and we’re off to Munster to skate for a couple of days….” – Steven Reeves

Sergej Vutuc – Painful reminder

“…what was important for me was to work with used material as much as possible to use things that we left – to leave and make an installation which has a double function… and on skateboard sculpture, for me is everytime kind of self play with things that i know, saw, skate and visions… the important part for me of skateboarding is to give things new meaning to see and use something what is not made for it… exploring perception and body…. first i play with many things that we know about skateboarding and objects which are skateable in simple way… but to see the change of an object meaning that people hang clothing and things on “artpeace” was something like giving new meaning to work, new step interaction…breathing…” – sergej vutuc

Powell Peralta Europe Tour (Part 1)

“I’ve always wanted to go to Denmark & Sweden ever since I’ve seen Pontus Alv skate. The spots look like they are out of a fantasy novel and the vibe reminded me of a lot of my home back in Vancouver. When Powell Peralta told us they wanted to do a tour this summer I was excited like a teenage kid that got laid for the first time. The crew consisted of a plethora of unique shredders: Steven Reeves (who in my mind is the definition of Powell Peralta), Bowl destroyer Brad McClain (my personal favorite), one of my best friends Josh Hawkins, filmer Terry Larue, and of course the mysterious photographer/TM Deville Nunes…” – Jordan Hoffart