“On February 16th, we celebrated the Kampsa Freak Carnival at Kampsa skatepark in Basque Country. A fun and friendly session with guys from Bilbao, Pamplona and some towns around San Sebastian, seasoned with beers and fun costumes.
The event started with the snake contest in the bowl, four to five guys at the same time with the last one standing passing to the next round. This was very funny because if you don’t know how to carve the bowl, you can disturb the other riders and win the round, but if the rider on your back overtakes you, you are disqualified. The winner was Glenn Mustoe, winning all the rounds with fast carvings.
After that, the micro quarter session – very sketchy tricks on an cut off piece of wood put on the flat with tape – a nice session with more tricks than we thought.
Following this, airs from the bowl to the outside bank. These were the best tricks of the day, and the awards were shared between Glenn Mustoe, Diego Doural, Ian Campbell and Oskar Blanco because they went all out til the last drop of sweat.
The biggest slam was for Urtzi Unanue. Unfortunately he dislocated his elbow in a bad fall – very impressive – hope he recovers soon!
And to finish, fireworks in puppets, smoke bombs in the bowl and confetti!
For more watch the photos and the video.
Thank you very much to all attendees, Sponsors (Flow store, Manic, 310 project and Confusion magazine) and everyone who helped me to organize this event. Next time, more and better!” – Hector “Chetos” Heredia

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