The Ianire Elorriaga interview

Ianire is one in a million, a golden girl, a female who always skated because she loves it, a daring chica that swims against, anti fashion, for Iani, no time passes – she’s still able to win international championships with a humility worthy of praise…. Ianire is definitely special..”  – Alex Mosterin

Ianire Elorriaga. Photo: Xabi Goitisolo
Ianire Elorriaga. Photo: Xabi Goitisolo

Ianire es una entré un millón , una chica de oro, una fémina que siempre a patinado por que le gusta , una chica atrevida que nada a contra-corriente , anti modas , para Iani no pasa el tiempo, sigue siendo capaz de ganar campeonatos internacionales con una humildad digna de elogios…. Sin duda Ianire es especial.”  – Alex Mosterin

Interview: J. Hay
Photos: Xabi Goitisolo, Alex Mosterin y Koldo Erauzkin.

Age, where are you from, where do you live?
29, I was born in Bakio and I live in Bakio.

Who do you skate with in Basque country?
Xabi Goitisolo, Xabi Muñoz, Jon Enderika, Kaska, Alexiño, Isio, Tas, Iñigo Laiseka, Muriel, Xabi (my brother)…..

Ianire Elorriaga. Pivot to fakie in Bilbao. Photo: Xabi Goitisolo
Ianire Elorriaga. Pivot to fakie in Bilbao. Photo: Xabi Goitisolo

What’s your favorite stuff to skate?
I like transition skating most.

Backside lipslide in Mugia. Photo: Xabi Goitisolo.
Backside lipslide in Mugia. Photo: Xabi Goitisolo.

Where do you like to travel the most, or are you happy just chilling in Basque Country?
I like to travel because you meet new people and new cultures, everywhere you go there is something you can skate!! I am also happy chilling in Basque country but I think both are better, some travelling is really nice and I love it!!

Ianie. Pivot to fakie in Bakio. Photo: Alex Mosterin
Ianie. Pivot to fakie in Bakio. Photo: Alex Mosterin

What are you feelings about the independence of Basque Country from Spain?
I don´t really care about politics, I don´t like politicians. I think in the Basque Country we have our own things and I feel really proud of it: culture, language, sports, nice food, music… I feel I am Basque and this is the most important thing for me because I love this country. However, independece doesn´t really concern me, I would like a world without borders!!

Ianire Elorriaga. Kickflip transfer. Mungia. Photo: Xabi Goitisolo
Ianire Elorriaga. Kickflip transfer. Mungia. Photo: Xabi Goitisolo

You’re also a good surfer, did you grow up surfing and then pick up skateboarding, or the other way around, or is skating and surfing just a part of growing up in Basque Country?
I started to surf later, five years ago. I really love surfing with my friends and there is a beach in the place I live so I just try to enjoy life as much as I can. Skateboarding has been my passion since I was 12 years old.

Ianie, surfing Bakio. Photo: Koldo Erauzkin
Ianie surfing Bakio. Photo: Koldo Erauzkin

How did you first get into skating? And where was the first spot you skated?
I started skateboarding because my older brother skates too, I just watched him and went into it. The first spot I skated was the skatepark in my hometown, Bakio. It is a concrete skatepark full of crazy transitions.

Ianie. Ollie in Bakio. Photo: Alex Mosterin
Ianie. Ollie in Bakio. Photo: Alex Mosterin

Which female skaters do you admire, or at least like their style? Is it difficult to get respect as a girl skater, or because you are better than most girl skaters, do you surprise a lot of guys, because you are better than them?
I think Elissa Steamer is the girl skater I admire most because she is the first girl I saw skating in videos, magazines… I think there are lot of girls skating really good in this moment (Leticia Bufoni, Marissa del Santo…), girls are getting better and that´s good news for us. Begoña Cortes is the first girl I saw skating in Spain, I met her because of skateboarding and we are really good friends now!!

Do skater guys get frustrated when they are trying a trick and you can do it before them, and with better style?
I don´t think so. The most important thing is to have fun and enjoy trying any trick. They should be happy because I can do it!!

Ianire Elorriaga. Backside Tailslide. Mungia. Photo: Xabi Goitisolo
Ianire Elorriaga. Backside Tailslide. Mungia. Photo: Xabi Goitisolo

What do you wanna do when you grow up?
I wanna continue skating, I think skateboarding is forever. I teach sports in a primary school right now so I will continue doing it and skating as well! Fortunately, teachers have lots of holidays so I can travel and continue skating like when I was a student.

Ianire Elorriaga. Backsmith. Mungia. Photo: Xabi Goitisolo
Ianire Elorriaga. Backsmith. Mungia. Photo: Xabi Goitisolo

What is one thing about Basque Country life that most people don’t know about but should?
I think we live really good here, there is calm, beautiful landscapes, small cities, good food, nice spots for skateboarding and surfing, nice people, parties… I really like living here although the weather in winter is too rainy.

Ianie. Ollie in Bakio. Photo: Alex Mosterin
Ianie. Ollie in Bakio. Photo: Alex Mosterin

Any recent skate trips to talk about?

I went to Cadiz with a friend called Veronica last year. I really enjoy skating there, good weather, nice people, good spots, perfect food, nice waves. Andalucia (south of spain) is a great place to skate and visit. I recommend everybody to go there!!

Ianie. Backside kickflip in Mungia. Photo Xabi Goitisolo.
Ianie. Backside kickflip in Mungia. Photo Xabi Goitisolo.

Future trips planned?
I always travel with a girls skaters webpage, We normally plan a trip once a year, five to seven girls skating a city. I don´t know where  we are going this year, but it is gonna be really fun for sure.

Nosegrind in Bakio. Photo: Xabi Goitisolo.
Nosegrind in Bakio. Photo: Xabi Goitisolo.

Who do you skate for?
Roxy, Etnies, Jart skateboards, and for me!!

Any thank yous?
Thanks to you for making this interview possible, Xabi Goitisolo for the photos, my family (especially my mum), all my friends, sponsors and everyone who has had a good time skating with me. THANK YOU!!!

All photos taken in Basque Country.