IGS skatepark Erinnerung – Hamburg, Germany

Minus ramps & pools are just finishing their latest major project, opening in 63 days for the Internationale Gartenschau (International Horticultural Show) in Erinnerung, Hamburg, Germany.

According to Phillip Fischer, who works at Minus Pools, “The park will be open for the public April 26th and it will be fuckin rad, and big. No steelcoping! Only pool coping in the bowl area!!!!!!”

IGS skatepark Hamburg, built by Minus Ramps & Pools, not finished at that point. Photo: Philipp Fischer  http://www.minus-ramps.com/news/Erinnerung_an_IGS_Skatepark.html
IGS skatepark Hamburg, built by Minus Ramps & Pools, not finished at that point. Photo: Philipp Fischer
IGS Hamburg. Sydney obstacle in the make.
IGS Hamburg. Sydney obstacle in the make.
IGS Hamburg street corner and ledge bank.
IGS Hamburg street corner and ledge bank.
IGS Hamburg bowl in the make
IGS Hamburg bowl in the make
IGS, Hamburg, Germany.
IGS, Hamburg, Germany.
IGS Hamburg, Germany.
IGS Hamburg, Germany.
The good old street melon grab performed by Jenne. IGS Hamburg - Germany.  Photo: Matt Grabowski
The good old street melon grab performed by Jenne. IGS Hamburg – Germany. Photo: Matt Grabowski
Luene on the blocks. IGS Hamburg - Germany.  Photo: Matt Grabowski
Luene on the blocks. IGS Hamburg – Germany. Photo: Matt Grabowski


The park was built for Hamburg’s “International Horticultural Show” or Internationale Gartenschau – Hamburg (IGS 2013). For more info: www.igs-hamburg.de