My name is Eddy, I’m a part of the BSS crew and first I wanna tell you something about BSS:
BSS (Brettles Schmiede Süd) is group of passionate skaters and friends in the south of Germany in Stuttgart.
It isn’t a label or an other kind of commercial group, we are just a group of guys who skate together and make a few skate trips a year and like the original sense of skateboarding:
Go out and have a great day of skateboarding with your friends!
It doesn’t matters if you skate good or if your skills are in progress!
It doesn’t matters if you are a street skater or a pool ripper!
It doesn’t matters if you wear baggy or tight pants !
Nothing matters if you understand the message of BSS:
Go out and skate!

So we made another skate trip this summer, to the Basque Country! Unfortunately there were just three of us, because a lot of dudes had no time! It was only Axel, Stefan and me who did the Basque Country trip, but it was a great time anyway! We stayed each night at the beach or near the skatepark and prepared our meals with a barbeque or a gas cooker.We went by plane, because it was the most inexpensive way to get there, it was only about 100€ per person, so if you want to get there, then fly with RyanAir. When we arrived in Bilbao we just picked up our rental car and directly headed to the first spot, it was an awesome obstacle park in the center of Bilbao with a huge halfpipe and a miniramp with a hip. We stayed the first few days near Bilbao and rode amazing skateparks like Algorta, Leioa, Urduliz, and Plentzia. We also were in Sondika, it is a skatepark with a great pool with stairs but unfortunately it was freshly painted and it was so fucking slippery that we weren’t able to skate there!

One of the best skateparks I’ve ever seen was Algorta, it s such a great place to skate. The backyard pool, the concrete halfpipe,the ruins, the beach, the sea… there is no better location in Europe for a skatepark! After four days of skateboarding in Bilbao and enjoying the nights at the beach we left and drove to Gernika, Mundaka and Bermeo. Mundaka was a great stop. It has a minramp which is located besides a church on a cliff – an undescribable mood when you are there!

After these days we went on to San Sebastian to the DIY spot Kampsa II in Pasai Antxo. We arrived there at ten o’clock in the late evening and the locals has a session. We got to know the local Chetos who was very friendly and offered us a place to sleep at the Kampsa area! It was an awesome night, we had a session with him in the most perfect DIY bowl I’ve ever skated! So smooth and perfectly shaped! And the bowl is surrounded by a lot of little quarters, wallrides, banks… you’ve got plenty of possibilities to skate there! So we stayed there for two nights! It was a great time and thanks a lot to Chetos and his friends!!!!

On Sunday we left in the direction of Santander. We stopped in Castro Urdiales which was the worst skatepark on the trip! Boring obstacles, a bad miniramp and an enormous halfpipe which we weren’t able to skate.
In the evening we arrived in Somo (near Santander)
That was a funny skatepark with a hard oververt transition which was shaped like a wave! We skated into the night and chilled out and slept at the beautiful seaside! After two days rippin’ the park and the concrete wave we searched for the big combi bowl in Santander which is located in the city park of Santander. But after nearly two weeks of skateboarding and road trippin’ we were too tired to have good skate day so we decided to stay the last day at the beach which was a good decision. Well, the days flew past… after all, our time was too short in Basque country but I think the time is too short on every skate trip you do! It was an over the top time there and we’ll repeat it as soon as possible with the other guys in our crew!

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