Kampsa II DIY Basque Country – 20th anniversary party

“Yesterday, for the 20th anniversary of Kampsa II, a contest was organized in Pasajes, Basque Country, in their wonderful DIY bowl.

Thanks to Vans, Slapshop, Jart, BD Skateco, Hoff, 310 shop, Manic and Flow for their gifts to the best skaters and the winners of the contest.”  – Andoni Meneses

Photos by:
Gorka Mirasolain, Xabier Eguino, Andoni Meneses, and Javi Cobo

Chetos. Lien air over the hip. Photo: Gorka Mirasolain
Diego Doural. Backside air. Photo: Gorka Mirasolain

Enrique Giles. Flying high. Photo: Gorka Mirasolain
Enrique Giles. Smith grind on the pool coping. Photo: Gorka Mirasolain

Ian Campbell. Crailslide. Photo: Andoni Meneses
Enrique Giles. Back smith on the pool coping. Photo: Andoni Meneses
Xabier Elorriaga. FS Five O. Photo: Andoni Meneses
Kampsa ruler Diego Doural. Huge fs air. Photo: Andoni Meneses
Ian Campbell. Lien to tail smack. Photo: Andoni Meneses
Ian Campbell. Tucknee air. Photo: Andoni Meneses
Enrique Giles. FS air. Photo: Andoni Meneses

And the results/classifications from the judges:
1º Carranza
2º Enrique Giles
3º Xabi Elorriaga
4º Urtzi Unanue
5º Jerson
6º Ian Campbell
7º Diego Doural
8º Hector Heredia “Chetos”

For more photos from Gorka Mirasolain, contact FOTOGORKA
For more photos from Xabier Eguino, check out: his Flickr
For more photos from Andoni Meneses, check out: www.facebook.com/andophotos
For more photos from Javi Cobo, check out his Flickr
And don’t forget, Kampsa II, on facebook or get off the internet, find your way there, and SKATE!

And why not… some more bonus shots from FOTOGORKA:

Momia. Lien to tail. Photo: Gorka Mirasolain
Toledo. Blunt to Fakie. Photos: Gorka Mirasolain
Pablo Ribera. Riding the wall. Photos: Gorka Mirasolain
Pablo Ribera. Wallride sequence. Photos: Gorka Mirasolain

Chetos – fakie rock (video by Javier Saavedra):

HELL DIVISION @ KAMPSA II 20th Anniversary Fiesta