Brandon Lomax Interivew

I sat down at the Hill Street Cafe in Oceanside, California with artist Brandon Lomax to talk art, skateboarding, music, inspiration, and life.  Brandon, although based in Oceanside, is a modern day gypsy whose stories of local & global adventures always provoke my own desire to get moving, create, and collaborate.  Out of that spirit, the following conversation unfolded. – by Sarah Drexler
Where are you from?
Born in Santa Cruz & then moved to the Sierra Foothills in NorCal.

How many rotations have you made around the sun?

How did you start skateboarding?
At 8 years old I took my mom’s orange banana board with hard wheels out of the garage…

Have you always been arty?
My mom’s an artist & was always giving me sketchbooks & art supplies as a kid, but I didn’t really get into it until I was in High School & took a ceramics class as a Freshman. It was the ceramics class that opened my mind to art, instead of feeling like art was something my mom wanted me to get into.

Mixed Media on Wood "The Morning Commute" - 12x18'
Artwork for Vans Shoes
Artwork for Vans Shoes

How do you mesh art & skateboarding… did that organically happen?
Drawing & skating went hand-in-hand from the beginning… I would sketch board shapes & take old boards & then make new shapes from them using a jigsaw… I would flesh out ideas for graphics, too… and draw characatures of skaters at that time…
Did you go to school for art?
I went to University of Hawai’i – Manoa for sculpture.
Does you art support you?
After college I spent a year travelling in New Zealand & living out of a van & I realized that with a computer I could work remotely & support myself on graphic design projects. Back then I was doing t-shirt graphics for surf shops. That era began my life as a working artist. Now I focus more on painting and illustrating, but that was how it happened in the beginning.
What do you value most?
Happiness & the pursuit of happiness.

Do you have any mentors?
My friend Yogi Proctor has been there for me when I’ve needed advice.

Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
I see myself being harder & harder to track down… having bigger art shows, travelling more, playing music…

What music are you feeling right now?
Neon Indian, Warpaint, Johnny Cash

Best all-time live music performance you’ve seen?
Crosby, Stills, & Nash on my dad’s shoulders.

Best live music performance you’ve seen this year?
Warpaint at the Echoplex in LA… it was a kids show & there were kids on stage…

Favorite places to spend time in the US?
Oceanside, Tahoe, LA & NY… the beach & the mountains tend to inspire & I find focus & clarity… I make time to get creative. When I’m in urban environments I absorb… there is a newness…

Brandon Lomax. Backside top turn. Photo: Chris Grant

Favorite places to spend time overseas?
France & Spain… Europe’s been the jam… Europeans take time.  They take time to enjoy their food… they take time to be. I’m feeling Europe mainly cause I was just there all summer… for the most part, I’m pretty into wherever I find myself.
Favorite drink?

Favorite food?
Do you watch TV?

Brandon Lomax. Layback at Oceanside, California. Photo Chris Grant

Favorite all-time skate spot?
My friend’s backyard ramp.

Favorite stuff to skate?
Any cool bank & tranny spots.

Word on the street is that you have a skateboard company.
It’s true. I do. It’s Descarte.
Who do you run that with?
Kyle, who also does Upful Hardware.

What are you grateful for?
Everyone who has ever helped me.


What inspires you?
Artistically speaking, I’m inspired by Art Nouveau & my amazing crew of friends who I travel & create with – we feed off of each other. Artists who skate have always inspired me, too: Gonz, Chris Miller, Lance Mountian, Ed Templeton. But really, it’s less about names & more about people who draw different lines, artists who have or create their own style.

Live Painting

What do you think about all this web 2.0 business?
It’s where the world is going, so there’s no use in fighting it. I don’t mind being followed, letting people know what I’m up to… I have a blog. (

Interview by Sarah Drexler