Confusion water cameraman Sean Wood checks in from the road (tropical island), risking his life just to get you this epic footage from the razor sharp coral reef of Tahiti.
“Almost died today filmin’…… was hangin’ too far inside behind the boats and skiis to get the tow guys coming out of the barrel. Committed to the viewfinder and didn’t realize the whole reef was closing out…. swam under three 15 footers breaking in knee deep water…. light as a feather, stiff as a board! Only a bloody nose from the pressure.” – 6pm, April 12th, 2011

“Paddled out solo at 5am, looked a little smaller but got cleaned up by a five wave 10 foot set… blown across the reef into the lagoon before the sun came up…” – 5am, April 13th, 2011

“Got a barrel!! Not too deep, but standup, no pigdog!! Five waves, made two…. straightened out on one and got vaporized, never do that again….” – 4pm, April 13th, 2011
7 days / 7 angles:
Video/Edit: Sean Wood