Lohse Ramp “Locals Only” Party

Ramp party. Cologne, Germany. September, 2010

No bands.
No food.
No story.

Skaters, in order of appearance: forgot name, Laurent Venohr, Jonny and his dog, Matteo, Spiderman, Re ne, Jan Wermes, David Conrads, Johnny Dachs, Aries, Marcel, Bobby, & Conny.

Traveling van skate shop. RIP. The van was stolen.
David Conrads, Matteo and David chillin' rampside
Jonny and Felix the Dog.

Jan Wermes. Backside air.

View of the shop from the ramp.

Johnny Dachs backside smither.
Aries. Pivot grab on the vert extension.
Jo Gabler. Nose picker.
Jan with a big air to fakie.
Rene airing the hip at sundown.
Johnny Dachs off the fence.
David Conrads kickflipping into the ramp.
Matteo down for the count?
Alf at the van beer shop.
Jan with another slam.
David Conrads. Blunt flip to fakie. No flash except the one I poached.
Aries blunt slide down the escalator.
Party People
Johnny Dachs. Boosting over the hip as darkness prevails.

Photos & Video: J. Hay