Hossegor, France: Beach break surf action

After sleeping in the rental car on the beach after the Pirate Ship Brats & Beers session, I awoke freezing bloody cold with a towel over me for warmth in the parking lot of world renowned surf spot HOSSEGOR. There happened to be a world championship surf contest underway just up the beach from where we were parked. After a couple strong espressos and pain au chocolate, we rolled up through the dunes and checked out some of the best competitive surfers in the world surfing one of the best beach breaks. The waves weren’t ALL TIME, it really gets good at Hossegor, but good enough for a short video clip and a few photos… The wind picked up and the waves started closing out so we packed up and headed away from all the commotion to rural Basque Country / Euskadi, but those photos are better saved for a travel magazine or blog. Shaka.

Photos & words  : J. Hay


Jordy Smith (ZAF) with the gouge of the day. Hossegor, France. September 2010. Photo: J. Hay
Taj Burrow (AUS). Part 10 of a long and deep tube sequence.
Maxime Huscenot from Reunion Island. Young gun and total ripper. Airing the section.
Maxime Huscenot getting futuristic. Miller Flip? He didn’t keep going, rode of the back of the wave, but close.
Matt Wilkinson (AUS) one of the most impressive surfers out in the water. Power surfer.
Wilko. Backside annihilation time.
Kelly Slater (USA). Setting up for the tube.
Kerry Schrater. Tubed.
Jordy Smith from South Africa. Charging a long tube. In… and out.
Jordy. Tubed.
Unidentified Flying Object.
Adriano de Souza (BRA). Floater to air drop 8 feet down into the pit.
Unknown beast master about to get the beating of the day.
Chris Davidson (AUS). Hitting the lip and styling out an aerial.
Andy Irons (RIP) racing the section.
The last photo I ever took of Andy Irons surfing. He died a few months later. R.I.P.