Guerrila Graffiti – Brussels, Belgium

The night before the Fiesta Des Ursulines, we skated from the Brusk den downtown Brussels to watch Bonom paint a building. We got there right in the beginning and about 90 minutes later, the Gorilla was born.

Cachagua Land update

Zarosh sent me an updated from his Cachagua Land DIY Project, deep in the Carmel Valley.
“The pool is ready, we just need some concrete. Donate to cachagua land and support the idea of grass roots skateboarding”

Brusk Collective’s: Fiesta Des Ursulines

Brusk Collective from Brussels, Belgium recently hosted the “Fiesta Des Ursulines” in the Square Des Uruslines where 4 years ago they completed their social-urbanistic project with the completion of their first concrete bowl and street skating area. They invited part of the Consolidated team (Roberto Alemañ, Sean Gutierrez, and Danger), to celebrate the release of their collab Brusk/Consolidated board. Roberto would come up from Spain, and Sean & Danger would make this event the beginning of 6 months in Europe, where they are building a new park with Grindline in Copenhagen.