BRUSK Collective: “Concrete Idea” Art Show

BRUSK Collective “Concrete Idea” Art Show
On Saturday, March 6th, 2010. Opening at 6:00 PM exhibition “Concrete Idea” at Basementizid – Wollhausstr. 17, in Heilbronn, Germany
Die hard skateboarders – bumps and holes covered by metal – then concrete -you’re already skating in your head – away from home – dread weather conditions – can dry fast or take the whole night – stick together as one – no one else wants it as good as we do – forget about the plans – we’ll be the first ones to skate it anyway

Blackcrossbowl – Basel, Switzerland

While I was down staying in a hotel in an industrial shit hole of a town, Spreitenbach, which is near the grand city of Zürich, Switzerland I was contacted by Lars Greiwe and Bertrand Trichet to let me know they’d be taking care of business in Basel, about 45 minutes from where I was staying. I decided to get out of the hotel and join them for an evening in Basel and a small adventure across the border to Germany.

Nathan Fletcher hits Mexican Pipes

Nathan Fletcher surfing a quad (four) fin Stretch surfboard. With three broken boards within 1 week, you know these were some heavy tubes. While others were doing tow-ins and jet ski assists, Nathan stroked in the old fashioned way, with his arms. He thinks the whole jet ski thing is a bit too “jock”.

Impakt Crew attack Siegburg, Germany

Any given Sunday in Cologne, our crew attempts to motivate to go skateboarding. Either to the Factory/OMSA Bowl in Düsseldorf, or to the outside concrete bowl in Siegburg, Germany. We all talk about how we aren’t going to drink much the night before so we can be fit to skate the next day. That never works out. “Just a couple beers” turns into “too many beers”, and before we know it, we’re stumbling home at 4 in the morning, with plans for meeting at 1pm the next “morning” to go skate.