On the 23rd of April, was held the 3rd annual Beaulieu DIY Jam in the South of France. Skaters from all around, gathered in the old quarry to enjoy the Hang-Up crew’s newest concrete creations.
The level was great but the atmosphere of fun was even greater.
No prize money, skaters and people just come to be part of it. The bands, artists and volunteers are paid in beers and sandwiches, and the crew has been working for months to prepare the event.
The aim is an alchemical one: transform beer money into concrete ramps… All the while enjoying a sunny day, high-speed high-risk skating, cold beer, bbq and live music. And it’s been working pretty well for a few years!
So next year, be a part of it!
Video by Nico Gelly

King of Beaulieu: Jérémie Plisson
Prince of Beaulieu: Samuel Géoni
Best Old-timer: Jérome Chevalier
Queen of Beaulieu: Chloé Bernard
Longest Ollie (4m75): Romuald Link

Thanks to Five-0, Confusion, Harah, Ofo Am, Wobe Johnson, Kiko, Bastien Regeste, Boris Transnine, Jeff Habourdin, Julien Deniau, Loïc Benoit, Lamule, Edouard, Mic, Crazy, Charly Mellec, Sylvain, Jean-Marc, Bikal, la mairie de Beaulieu, Human, Sanglier, Will, Antoine, Tanguy, Mikey, Marc, Thibo, Nath, Jo, Beben, Nico, Xavier, Chris, Fabrice, Tony, Sylvain, Titi, Heitor, all the skaters who killed it, crowd funders and many more who have helped us out over the years!

To check out more footage click this link:
Beaulieu DIY II