Torsoarama, DIY miniramp session at Malas rampas, is the session you cannot miss. It’s not a contest, it’s basically a perfect skating day. This year, we had it all: good weather, good food and good skaters! Oh man, the burger and the tortillas, OMG!
The place is not easy to be found, it’s in Hondarribia, basque, close to the the border with France. The boys organized a meeting point to pick up the people who didn’t know how to get there.
Hype of the day: Mikel Muguerza a.k.a. Yankee. You will hear more about him, I’m sure.
All the money collected from food and drinks will go into the expansion of the ramp. For the next month or two the miniramp will be closed, so that they can bowl out the sides of the ramps so it will no longer just be a concrete half pipe. Can’t wait to go back there and enjoy good times with wonderful people. Basque people rule! Thank you all for hosting me and treating me like a king!
words + photos: Nicola Debernardi

TORSO-A-RAMA 2015 – filmed / edited by Dab Productions
(video may not play in some countries)
Bonus photos from (and of) Pablo Ribera and Chetos: