The decision, to build our own concrete dream was already made – all we needed was a good space. The winter was coming up fast and not much time was left so we decided to rip out the old woodem ramp which was built by the local skaters in a real fucked up house which was nearly 100 years old! After a few words with the land lady about the concrete bowl idea, everyone knew this was really going to happen. The project was a go!
Standing in an empty place and knowing it’s yours is a really good feeling, even if it’s only 8 x 6 meters – ideas are flashing! We all skated The Beauty bowl from September Wheels in Zürich and there was not much space either. We all knew this was going to be tricky!
First shout was “Let’s do a cradle!” And then it just kept rolling!
The first stones we set were really big and reinforced, but allowed us to save much time and filling material, which we used in other ways.
Words: Dominic Gilomen
Photos: cr(apple)
Hundreds of wheel barrows full of asphalt, stones, and junk later, it started looking like what we were dreaming about. It felt like we were half way done, but, it would take longer.

The coping forms were ready to fill, maybe 15 times would be enough!¿? We will see…

The formwork and the reinforcing took two days, by only using pieces from trash wood and wire it worked out better than expected, and at least, it was all for free.

Next was the crete! We got 15 cubic meters for free from a local concrete plant, by only asking nicely for a little help. We just had to pick it up¿?

The next days turned out to be an almost 24 hour pouring a day… It was barely zero degrees C, but that allowed time for shaping – too much time! It was like shaping for hours and then, take a beer and a nap, come back at 3 or 4AM to start the finish from the last pouring session.

But all the work would never have been possible without the workless skateboard dudes around us, at this time, a huge thank you to Gian and Joos, you guys worked your asses off!
Taking all the wood away and to look at the whole bowl with a freshly poured flat, and to see what is already done, is just great!

There should be a wallride too? Yes! Simple idea, heavy construction! Two days later… success.
15 times was enough!

Setting the already finished coping stones was another two day project and included the cutting of many lady finger coping pieces for the corners and the slightly over vert pocket.

It looked so damn good, we almost couldn’t wait to skate it!
And then the coping finish, how to fill the cracks nicely as well as durable in this now under zero degrees freezing outside and at the moment inside too! (but now we’ve installed a gas heater!)
The cracks between the coping stones worked out really well with polyester glass fiber compound, especially because it’s heating while drying!
First part of the Rathole bowl was built from November – December 14th and took seven weeks, and then, after the finish, all builders and helpers were waiting for the moment when everything was dry enough to finally skate that Rathole d.i.y!!! – Dominic Gilomen

hey guys!im a skateboarder from brasi end i just moved here in chur end im looking for a skate park in chur !i like this pool !its private ?