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Featuring interviews with:
Jake Snelling (England)
Tony Farmer (USA)
Bjørn Lillesøe (Denmark)
Chris Cope (USA)
Jacob Ovgren (Sweden)
Skate features include:
Cruise & Booze (Netherlands)
Vert Attack 8 (Sweden)
Hot Shit: Chris Gregson
Hot Shit: Daan Van Der Linden
DIY Skate spot check outs:
DIY Woods (USA)
Billy’s Bowl (Belgium)
Australia DIY
Darwin DIY (France)
and way more….
or buy a single issue of issue #9 here.
One year subscription / 3 issues of Confusion costs €15 or $20 for any location in the world (including shipping).
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Confusion Magazine
BLZ: 37050198
Kontonummer: 1930637911
If you don’t have PAYPAL or a BANK ACCOUNT, you can also send cash.
Send euros to: Confusion Magazine, Siegfriedstr. 15, Cologne, 50678, GERMANY
Send dollars to: Confusion Magazine, PO Box 1024, Santa Cruz, CA 95061, USA
If you still can’t figure out how to pay for a subscription you should probably forget about it and just go look at some photos on facebook, but you can still email us if you want.
Looks like i might have to get myself an early birthday present today 😀