“It started when a group of young skaters from Wonderland got shut down from building a new spot next to Wonderland in Christinia. So the same day they moved their efforts around the city until they found the spot where Hullet is at now. They started digging that day wasting no time because everyone wanted to build and skate there own shit. I started coming by after working at Fælledparken about a week later to hang out and help dig. Then I started bringing old wood forms and rebar down with me every day after work. It wasn’t like it was the Grindline crew building it. I don’t think they ever made it for a whole pour. I think two guys came by one time for a couple hours. It was all the local skaters that did the work. There were so many people that helped out in one way or another to make it happen – it’s hard to name names, but there were people from at least five different countries that came together on this one. We dug everything by hand, and there was no power or water so every thing we did was hard. Not to mention where we were digging was the site of an old factory that they dozed down and covered with dirt. It’s the hardest spot I’ve ever had to dig! I think all and all we spent one year building Hullet, apart from the four months of frozen danish winters we get up here.” – Danger
Photos, video + edit: J. Hay

“A session went down last August (2012) after the Ultra Bowl 4 in Malmö which was part of the Lifeblood Skateboard / Independent UK team tour. A few other traveling skaters that were passing through also took part in the session. These are the highlights from a three hour session in the forest where the semi secret DIY spot the Hullet is located, not far from the new world-class skatepark Fælledparken. Skaters showing up for the session Julien Benoliel (france), Sox (wales), Andy Scott (england), Adam Colin (scotland), Iain Young (scotland), Rob Smith (england), Narciso Afonso (portugal), Mason Merlino (usa), and Frank Shaw (usa). There were other rippers there that had already been beaten down the days before, and still had to skate the rest of the european/uk Lifeblood tour, like Cody Lockwood and Kevin Kowlaski, so they took their turn being the spectators this time and watched other skaters get gnarly.” – J. Hay

(left to right: Cody Lockwood, Anthony Jah Herbs, Nick Smith, Alex Hallford, Ruari Britee-Steer, Iain Young, Sox.
The action continued into the night at Wonderland in Christiania. Check the report + video here.
Or to check the radical skating that went down at the Fælledparken skate park the day before, look here.