“I hate my parents can still resonate in the adolescent head of the skateboarder you are. It’s perhaps still the case, but try to love your friends’ parents because they could agree to give you part of their garden to build a sort of Steppe Side style / DIY skate spot. I don’t know them but I start to love them too.
But most of all, I like the determination of Antoine and his mates near Paris because they started this crazy 80 square meter project knowing that the parents will perhaps move homes at any moment and the skateboarders swore, the right hand on on the Pontus DIY Bible, to destroy it….
Antoine made a good harvest of information on the french forum sk8.net and started digging, facing the worst weather conditions we have ever had in France and he achieved it with a strong motivation and pride of good hard labor that only skateboarders understand.” – Sylvain Stricanne
Construction / bowl photos: Antoine
Photos of Antoine skating: Bernard Jallet

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