How to make DIY wooden Pool trowels article courtesy of our friends over in Switzerland at Praise the Beast (DIY Pool in Zürich) and September Wheels.
Over the time, we got some experience with shaping concrete. And the first thing we learned is that we need good wooden trowels for the first contact with the concrete. Filling up holes and smoothing it roughly is the first step, waaay before you work with a metal trowel.
The problem is, where to get good wooden trowels, that already have a shape to them, to shape a corner or a pocket. Pudi from Germany made some very high quality trowels, also did Stan from the Black Cross Bowl / Port Land Gang. And there are the expensive, but awesome General Sherman Radius Floats.
The next possibility is to create your own wooden trowels using old skateboards. A skateboard with good concave has exactly the shape use can use as a trowel. And you recycle your old board, instead of throwing it away!
So here is the step by step instruction:
1. Download our template File by clicking here.

Thanks to Praise the Beast and September Wheels for the how to make a pool trowel out of an old skateboard deck article!